Friday, February 20, 2009

Chapter-1 A Hero’s Arrival

Long time ago, a force of evil attacked the place called Bermesiah which was leaded by the cruel Kaze’aze. They destroyed everything that would stand in their path. Kaze’aze then returned to his lair for some rest from the destructions she made. She left some of her evil soldiers in different parts of Bermesiah to stop all adventurers and trackers to find her location.
The people of Bermesiah could not take it anymore, so, they needed a hero that would protect Bermesiah from Kaze’aze, but who…
One day, the Knight Master of Bermesiah chose a person that has the potential to save Bermesiah from harm. He saw a Knight from Kanavan that might do the job. When the Knight Master approached the young Knight, he quickly recognized her. The knight was Elesis, the daughter of a Kanavan Tracker who never returned after he was dispatched in finding Kaze’aze. Knight Master then talked to Elesis…
Knight Master: Young Knight, aren’t you the daughter of a Kanavan Tracker who dreamed to find Kaze’aze?
Elesis: Yes, I am.
Knight Master: Would you like to see your beloved?
Elesis: How?
Knight Master: I will hire you to be the hero of Bermesiah and the destroyer of Kaze’aze. I will give you missions that will earn your skills as a fighter, and each of your success will be rewarded with armor sets, weapons, and other power enhancing items. You may now rest on my humble kingdom of Serdin, and tomorrow, your legacy will begin!
Elesis: OK sir!!!
Elesis is now the hero of Bermesiah, what could be the destiny that lies ahead of her? Only time can tell!

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