Saturday, February 28, 2009

Chapter-2 Step by Step Training

Step by Step Training
Elesis’ journey of being a hero will now begin, and her first mission will now come up hand.
Knight Master: Elesis, you will now train yourself of becoming a strong warrior that will defeat Kaze’aze.
Elesis: How?
Knight Master: By your first mission.
Elesis: Which is?
Knight Master: Obtain Treant’s apple.
Elesis: Treant? Who’s Treant?
Knight Master: Treant is a monster of Kaze’aze who already invaded the trial forest. You must defeat Treant and his army, and then, take one of his apples that I may eat.
Elesis: You’re giving me this mission because you’re hungry?
Knight Master: No! I’m just giving you this mission for you to enhance your skills. Now go and don’t ask any more questions.
Elesis: OK! OK! Just don’t scream! Sheesh.
Elesis then gone to the trial forest to look for Treant, But before facing him, she must defeat Treant’s army.
Elesis’ was surprised to see a running mushroom going towards her direction. The moving mushroom then attacked Elesis by bumping her, but Elesis did not feel sny damage.
Elesis: So that’s how you wanna play hah! Well then let’s play your game.
Elesis sliced and diced the mushroom that bumped her with her wooden sword. Seeing this, the other mushrooms started attacking her all at once with the moving slimes. But these creatures are dumb. When Elesis jumped to dodge, the slimes and mushrooms bumped at each other knocking them out without them knowing how.
Elesis: What kind of creatures are you? Knocking out yourselves like that!
Another creature then appeared all in a sudden. It was a moving Raccoon that’s holding up a sharp leaf.
Elesis: What place is this? A zoo!
The Raccoon then run towards her and slashing Elesis with its leaf. It did damage to Elesis. The Raccoon kept slashing Elesis without getting tired.
Elesis: How can I defeat such a beast, I can’t even make an attack… I got it!
Then she thought of something. Elesis jumped up to the beck of the beast, and after landing on solid ground, Elesis slashed the Raccoon at the back. The Raccoon then stumbled down because of the damage Elesis gave to it.
Elesis: I’m a genius! Everybody knows that it hurts more when you’re not looking.
Elesis then continued her walk to locate Treant. But before Elesis could find Treant, Treant found her. When she saw Treant, she was shocked when she saw its form because Treant is a walking tree.
Elesis: I didn’t know that treant…is a moving TREE!
Treant then walked towards Elesis and hit her with its branch arms. It gave serious damage to Elesis.
Elesis: That hurt you big log! Now have a taste of my mighty sword!!!
Elesis attacked Treant in a combo pattern, but still, it had only less damage to Treant. Elesis then realized the thing she did with the Raccoon back earlier to defeat it. She then quickly put it into action on Treant. Elesis jumped on the tree’s back and gave it a strong slash from behind giving Treant double damage, but still, it didn’t make Treant move an inch.
Elesis: What happened, my sword lost to a tree!
Treant raised his arms up in the air, then slammed it down to the floor strongly. When Treant did this, weeds started growing out of Elesis’ feet and the weeds pulled Elesis down to the ground. Elesis got caught on the tree’s trap. Even her sword wasn’t sharp enough to cut the weeds. While Elesis didn’t have a chance to move, Treant through his apple to Elesis giving her much more damage. When she got hit by Treant’s apple, Elesis was released by Treants weeds, giving her a chance to attack. Even so, Any of Elesis’ attacks don’t work to Treant, until her body glew…
Elesis: What? What’s happening to me? Why is my body glowing? Am I dead?
Then she heard a voice…
Knight Master: No Elesis, you’re not dead.
Elesis: Knight Master! Is that you, how’d you know?
Knight Master: I am always watching you young Knight! You’re body is glowing because of the stored spiritual energy or Mana I should say, being gathered together to form an attack that is a lot stronger than your combos.
Elesis: My combos? A lot stronger?
Knight Master: I must now be silent to watch your victory, goodbye.
Elesis: Wait, I… Hmm!He said a brand new attack! Let me try.
Elesis then tried to release her mana and convert it into an attack.
Elesis: Here I go…
Elesis stabbed the moving tree three times and then gave it a strong slash. She called this..
Elesis: Mega Slash!!!
Upon taking the damage, Treant returned to an old dead tree found at the trial forest.
Elesis: Aren’t you feeling scared yet!!!
Then she remembered her mission, she must get Treants apple. She picked up the apple that Treant threw at her before and gave it back to the Knight Master at Serdin.
Knight Master: Good job Elesis. You did well today. As a reward I will give you this Adventurer’s armor set and sword to give much more force on your future battles.
Elesis: Thank you Knight Master.
Upon Finishing her first mission, Elesis must now be ready to fight the evil she have awaken!!!

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