Friday, February 20, 2009

The two biggest kingdoms in Bermesiah, Serdin and Kanavan, once lived peacefully together until the Queen of Darkness, Kaze’aze came along.
Kaze’aze wanted to take over Bermesiah for her own so she made the two kingdoms fight to make their defenses go down. Kaze’aze killed the Queen of Kanavan’s retainer making her close enough to the Queen of Kanavan.
Kaze’aze blinded the Queen of Kanavan to the truth and declared war against Serdin. The war lasted for five years. The Queen of Serdin sacrificed her own life to stop the war. When the Queen of Serdin died, the Queen of Kanavan came back to her senses. Kaze’aze then returned to her lair after what happened. The Queen of Kanavan got so angry that she commanded all trackers in Kanavan to find where Kaze’aze is hiding, but all of them failed. They all never came back. It’s all up to the modern heroes of Bermesiah to track and defeat the Queen of Darkness once and for all.

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